Hanov Firus

Saint George, UT 84770 ยท


Utah State University

Bachelor of Science
Information Technology - Software Development Track

GPA: 3.51

Northwest College

General Engineering

GPA: 3.50


Programming Languages & Tools
  • VisualForce, Lightining Components, Aura
  • Mobile-First, Responsive Design
  • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • Agile Development
  • OWASP best practices


SpaceLander API Documentation (React, Material UI with Bootstrap) Demo

Health Check Webiste (CSS, HTML, GRID, Materialize CSS) Demo

Ninja Designer Website (CSS, HTML, Materialize, Font Awesome) Demo

Covid-19 Tracker (REACT, count-up, charts.js, CDC Covid API ) Demo

Job Tracker Web Application (CSS, HTML, Heroku, JavaScript, Bcrypt encryption) Demo

Designer's portfolio (CSS, HTML, PHP, Heroku, JavaScript, Font Awesome)Demo

What Marvel Character are you? (Spark-AR)Code

Blobby Bird Filter Game (Spark-AR Game, Patches) Code

Let Us Worry (Swift) Code

Drawing App (Swift) Code

Tax Calculator (Visual Basic)Code


Apart from being a technical consultant and developer, I do a lot of outoor activities. I also enjoy playing tennis and volunteering in community organizations. During my visit to the biggest conference in Salt Lake City, Silicon Slopes, I had a chance to work alongside the community to prepare food packages for children in need across the state. We packed 1,000 lb packages of food.

When forced indoors, I follow a number of sherlock holmes's type of genre movies. I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the front-end web development world.

Awards & Certifications

  • AWS Solution Architect Certified
  • AWS Cloud Partitioner Certified
  • Salesforce Admin Certified
  • Salesforce Developer Certified
  • Salesforce App Builder Certified
  • Salesforce OmniStudio Certified
  • Tableau Certified
  • ICracked Certified